We look forward to every guest enjoying Kevin Larson Presents. With that in mind please be respectful of others and their right to enjoyment. Here are a few HELPFUL TIPS AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION to make your event experience the most incredible it can be!
Drama Free Zone
KLP events are based on Positivity. We ask that all guests bring only their happiest thoughts and intentions to create an evening of boundless positive energy.

KLP Member's Club
Join the club for information on discount tickets, private events and to join the party.
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Don't Drink and Drive
We recommend Lyft, Uber, Light Rail. Please drink responsibly.

KLP Member's Club
Join the club for information on discount tickets, private events and to join the party.
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Every person must check in at Will Call with a valid 21+ ID.
This is for Colorado Liquor Laws. No person will be allowed into the event without it. If you forgot your ticket you can pull it up on the Eventbrite App or they will be able to look it up at the door with your ID.

KLP Member's Club
Join the club for information on discount tickets, private events and to join the party.
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Waiver / Disclaimer
By entering the event you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Indemnification: Attendee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Kevin Larson Presents, its members, staff, sponsors and Venue harmless of and from all loss, cost, expenses, or damage with respect to any injury to person or property of any kind.
Force Majure: Kevin Larson Presents shall not be liable for delays or failures in performance under this Agreement due to a cause beyond its reasonable control. “Event of Force Majure” includes: acts of God and the public enemy; flood, earthquake, tornado, storm, fire, civil disobedience, labor disputes, labor or material shortages, or sabotage, restraint by court order or public authority (whether valid or invalid). In the event of such delay, Kevin Larson Presents has the right to make reasonable attempt to provide something similar style and value. The date for rescheduling will vary based on original event preparation.
Disclaimer: Kevin Larson Presents retains the right to make changes to the event at any time including but, not limited to; entertainment, schedule, location, ticket cost etc. Kevin Larson Presents will provide something similar in style and value for any change. Photo release: KLP has the right to use photos and videos during the event. Refunds: There are NO refunds for any reason for Denver Mardi Gras. Prices for events go up 25% for Denver Mardi Gras day of the event so make sure to purchase your ticket in advance!

KLP Member's Club
Join the club for information on discount tickets, private events and to join the party.
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Meet The Team

Kevin Larson

Ryan Chipps
Producer / Lead Marketer
Holly Joy
Producer / Entertainment

KLP Member's Club
Join the club for information on discount tickets, private events and to join the party.
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